
Low angle sun illuminates Whistler Mountain

Whistler Mountain and crystallized snow from a walk today.

Adafruit MagTag

Just started playing with the Adafruit MagTag internet connected eink display.

Running CircuitPython, and using ESP 32-S2 to connect over wifi. It’s wild that the 4-shade B&W eink display stays even after power is removed.

Stemma connectors make adding sensors quick and easy. Live updating file and plenty of libraries / examples makes testing super-quick.

This greyscale eink explainer is great way to understand what’s going on.

The most difficult thing to this point is correctly double-clicking the reset button to update UF2

More to come…

Refresh 2020

An ongoing rebuild… Please watch your step. [ under-construction.gif ]

25 Things you now know about me.

  1. I take artsy pictures.
  2. Married my wife on a mountain.
  3. I am equally Mac and PC. Once in college I was Linux but it was just one time and I was curious.
  4. Science is my favourite [spelling: see below] subject.
  5. I am Canadian and have lived on either coast. Born on “The Island.”
  6. Pixel pushing National Association of Photoshop Professionals member.
  7. Lego, Star Wars, G.I. Joe and Transformers occupied most of my young life.
  8. Cut a record in 84. My grade 4 class backed me up.
  9. PBS is made possible by people like me.
  10. I paint. Now and then.
  11. I’ve been a paper boy, warehouse worker, ski resort ticket checker, BSA, Business Analyst, and Web designer.
  12. I love gaming. Since Atari 2600 and Commodore 64. Now xbox360 and I’m addicted to achievements.
  13. Accidentally sliced my hand open in grade 5 on Mother’s day and felt really bad.
  14. Accidentally sliced my hand later in life opening my own cast and felt really bad.
  15. Learning is a passion.
  16. Norm Abram of The New Yankee Workshop is my hero.
  17. Early mornings killed my hockey career. Nordiques Minnesota Dallas Vancouver have crushed my spirit.
  18. Beer.
  19. A New England Patriots fan before Brady and Belichick.
  20. I own a collection of mostly 3D animation and war films.
  21. I ride a motorbike. Snowboard. Hike. Ski. Bike. (Roughly in that order.)
  22. Skate boarding is not a crime.
  23. I’m heavier than I look. Big boned actually. 6’0 240. Seriously.
  24. Currently teaching myself everything I can learn about film, animation and robotics.
  25. Politics and Religion are something we’re just going to have to disagree on then. But that’s ok.